Note: I was at home attending to my sweet little sicky, she has a 102 fever, poor girl
Anyways he shared with me some of the highlights, but the thing that stuck with me the most, yes some things he shares DO stick...
Was our pastor suggested asking our children what they think we value the most, I suspect if Emmy could understand and I aksed her today, she'd say nursing that baby and sitting in front of that computer... ouch! on the last one mainly...
It really hit me that if I want my kids to love Jesus, it needs to be completely evident to them, how much I do...
so quick inventory of time spent... ehhhh, need to get back to my regular quality time with the Lord and I guess letting my kids know that the little things I do around the house for them and Papa are for the Lord too... because that IS what I value the most.
Cool, Cyndi, I soooo glad you're doing this (the blog, that is). And this topic has been on my mind lately. I got to know, really know, that my parents and grandparents, really loved Jesus when I was a little girl. I cherish my upbringing in all its dysfunctionality, and I can because God was with ME the whole time. I want my kids to have that too. You guys are in church, we aren't, I think going to church helps a lot. I hope this topic becomes regular on your blog! I want to read more ideas about it : )