Friday, May 8, 2009

There's purpose in the pain

Why is it that the moment trails begin I forget everything I've learned that 's gotten me this far... it's like the pain or frustrations somehow block out that really important part of my brain that could reassure me that every thing's gonna be OK and there is a purpose in all this ...

Some of my friends have mildly accused me of living a charmed life, it's true I have never lost a relative that's really close to me, I've never really experienced any hardship due to financial woes or real sickness and for the most part my husband and I kinda like each other... So we've established that I don't have the market cornered on suffering but they say that suffering is relative, so in my small puny way I can understand what it's like to struggle. And for the last couple of months I can say a little better I know what it's like to struggle.
Since having my sweet dream of a little boy, I've been struggling with my health, and more than anything, it's been messing with my head. I really didn't realize how much I took my health for granted until this all went down...

But that's not really the point of this post... the point is, where do we go when the pain or frustrations start?

For a lot of us it's worry for others it's anger, I'm sure there's a whole host of emotions that we face when we feel out of control of our circumstances... but thankfulness is not one that quickly comes to mind.

For years, when these trails rear their ugly heads, an old stand by of mine has been Hebrews 10. Here the author reminds the recipients of this letter how they went through great suffering in the first days after they were illuminated... he says, "hey you've gotten through rougher patches before, you just have need of endurance, that's why you're going through this." He encourages them to not cast away their confidence in God, because in their confidence they will find great reward. And isn't that true, have you ever taken the high road? Have you ever buckled down and just decided to have a good attitude and trust that good is gonna come out of your difficult circumstance? I'd love to hear your story and what you gained from your positive stance!
I'm sounding like the opposite of Debbie Downer here... we could call me "Polly Positive" but it is bigger than that, I hope this doesn't sound like a glorified pep talk.
I really do believe that there is a valuable spiritual discipline here that a lot of us forget about when the trouble starts...

1Peter 1 reminds us that we only are grieved by trails if we need them... they prove our faith, they show us what we really believe, and what is it that I believe when I'm going through tough times? If I'm really honest, it's that I'm the master of my destiny and I need to get control of the situation and quick... and I can have a real stinky attitude that can sound like this... "seriously! this is so inconvient, how am I gonna write 10 blog posts a day, make my cake pops, sew 15 slings and be the perfectly attentive mom now that I have to deal with this!"

So lately I've been trying to skip that step and go straight to realizing that I am a toothless tiger in the face of roaring trials and simply just give thanks! This time I'm thankful that God is taking me to a new level of discipline. And that is something I know I would never achieve with out the help of difficult circumstances! Seriously I have to laugh that God has figured out a way to "trick" me into being disciplined! I love Him for that! I love the fruit of being disciplined just not the general discomfort it requires...So I can recognize that this trial is doing some work for me that I might not otherwise be able to to accomplish, so for that I can give thanks!

On a more serious note 1st Thessalonians 5:18 tells us that the will of God for our lives is that we give thanks in everything! And yes, that does mean everything... even when our husband might leave, when our dog might die, when the lump is diagnosed malignant, or when we're losing it all... give thanks!
Please don't misunderstand me, I really don't mean to trivialize anyone's pain, if anything I mean to validate it! There is purpose in the pain, I just pray I can encourage you to grasp it's full potential...

I remember a time about 9 years ago when I had just given my life back to the Lord and I was sooooo broken! Oh man, we're talkin' ugly broken, nose swollen, snotty sobbin', mascara runnin' broken! I can just remember falling on my knees and saying thank you Lord, I don't understand why you're allowing this but I'm gonna say thank you just the same... Woah! Overwhelming peace like I've never experienced before... still ugly broken, but I had peace. And that's what God promises us! A peace that surpasses our understanding . And I can understand it now, I'm so thankful I'm not that same girl I was 9 years ago, but at the time the pain was so deep, so real I couldn't understand why I had to go through it.

So the bottom line.......... don't be discouraged, don't let those thoughts of worry or anger get out of control... be like David and preach to your soul, remind yourself of God's goodness and give thanks for whatever it is...
2nd Corinthians reminds us that our light affliction is only momentary and working out for us something far greater than we could ever imagine! Remember we're just passing through, this is not our home! Let's give thanks and give purpose to our pain!

And please, let me know if I can pray for you if you're going through a difficult time and if you have a story of giving thanks through hard circumstances please feel free to share!

Grace and Peace!


  1. I love you cyd and I love what you here for ya always!

  2. Cyndi, you totally allowed the Lord to use you to change my heart tonight. The night we came to your house, I was broken. So broken that I almost used it to justify making a huge mistake. I was about to ask my husband for a legal separation when we got home. It's 48 hours later and we're pledging to one another a fresh start. It was less than a month ago we were baptized together and the enemy is working over-time on us. Your message truly encouraged me to be thankful for this trial. Pray with us for our unity. God hears our prayers. (Jer.29:12)
