Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's be real!

So I'm a girl who's committed to being transparent and I think in most situations I'm pretty uncomplicated, but I know for some people I can be overwhelming, which is sometimes complicated, but here's the deal, I like to be real and I love people who are willing to be also!

My sweet Mum-in-law is here visiting from New Zealand and we we're talking about a certain trend in where Mom's and wives can maybe give off the impression that they are accomplishing a little more that what's realistic... I mean who can make all their meals for the day from scratch in their perfectly gleaming house with a baby on thier hip and the other arm tied behind there backs (that's hard, I wouldn't recommend trying this) while they sew their 6 children's clothes without a pattern ;) ... and I'm not saying they can't do it, but are we being real here?
I'm not saying I don't like it when my friends jokingly call me Betty Crocker or Martha, but I don't ever want to give off the wrong impression that it's soooo easy and that I don't need any help... Let's face it, if you happen to be invited to the Weeks' for supper, I WILL have thought about what I'm gonna make for days and I will have spent extra time cleaning up my house than usual and I will spend most of that day preparing for you to come over... and hopefully I won't act like that's how we roll everyday...
I do have a really sweet friend, Janell and with her there's no pretense, if you're invited over your gonna eat what their family would eat every night and the house is gonna be like it always is, and I LOVE that about her, I love being invited over to be part of the family!

Now that doesn't mean that I'm pretensious, I just like to put my energy into making it really special for people to come over... It's an outlet for me I guess...

So I'm letting the cat out of the bag, I can't write 10 blog posts a day, bake fresh bread, make chicken piard for dinner and sew 5 slings in a day while doing crafts with my perfectly behaved children... Not saying that I wouldn't love to! I wish there was 50 hours in a day, I'd rule the world! But since that's not likely to happen I just have to pick and chose from day to day where my energy's spent and some days that's on cleaning and other's it on blog posts or sewing... but I just wanna keep it real for all you moms out there, we can't do it all... so don't feel like you have to convince everyone that you can! I mean I love the idea of the perfect 50's housewife, but she doesn't really exist, only in our imaginations...
Just keepin' it real...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning me as your sweet friend!!! I hope that when people come over that they feel like part of the family!!! I would LOVE to have my house perfect, sew all our clothes, make everything from scratch,etc. But...yeah lets keep it real!!!! I would drive my whole family crazy, we wouldn't be able to "really" live in our home, and would anyone feel comfortable bringing their kids to our home?
    Love You
