Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fruit Salad Frenzy!

I triple dog dare you to try my fruit salad recipe... go ahead try it! OK enough bullying, but seriously try this and you will thank me. I don't know why the secret ingredient in my fruit salad makes it so magical but it does...

So little known fact about me, I have a fruit stand in front of my house! What you don't believe me?? It's too late for photos tonight, but you'll see, it's true... and right now, it's filled with the juciest, sweetest most wonderful oranges you've ever eaten . Don't be too jealous, since it's inception I think we've made a whopping $32... nothing we could live off of, but we can make a really good fruit salad from it's proceeds, so check it out!
Don't worry there's not a tutorial on how to slice and dice your fruit below, I'm sure you're competient enough to figure that one out on your own, but there are a few things we need to discuss!

For instance, you can make this fruit salad with whatever you have hanging around in your fridge, like I did, BUT and that's a big BUT, you must have an orange, at least one!

So get your fruits ready for the choppin and place all but your orange in zee bowl.
I used some pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, 1 banana (cuz it was all I had) and 2 oranges... I just kept adding until I had reached the capacity of the bowl, be creative there's no rules with this one, oh except for the rule about the orange...
(I really like making this with blueberries and kiwi fruit too)
Take your orange and your zester, and get them well aquainted! Add the zest of one orange to your bowl of diced fruit...

Now cut your orange that you zested in half and add the juice of just half of it if your orange is really juicy like mine, I'm not bragging it's just really juicy and really delicious, seriously! But if it's not as juicy you can use the whole thing...
Now add 1-2 tbsp. of honey depending on how sweet you like it... I used 2 cuz I like it sweet!

Now for the magical mystery ingredient!!! Bom bada bom ba badda da bom! Nutmeg, yep that's right... I know that this might be bringing up some trust issues for some of you, but I promise I won't let you down, you can trust me, this will make your salad sing!
I don't have pre-ground nutmeg so I dusted the top of my fruit salad until I could see a little bit covering the whole top... my educated guess was 1/2 teaspoon, but if that scares you, start with a 1/4 add a little more if you don't sense it's presence there making you swoon! Now mix it all up real good... THEN...

Now comes the really hard part, let it sit for 30 min. before you serve... Go catch up on some you time, go read your kid a story, floss your teeth, or go google how big the largest invertebrate to ever be found is... just walk away and let it sit, you'll thank me... cuz all it's juicy goodness is coming out and it's guaranteed to make it's recipents face look like this! OK maybe not as cute, but definately worth the wait!

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