Saturday, May 16, 2009

Song writing woes

This is me like a gazillion years ago, when I thought everything needed and I do mean needed, to be pink.. but it's also me back when I'd sit down for 15 maybe 20 minutes and have an awesome song! Well at least I though it was... but then again maybe all the pink was going to my brain.So fast forward 30 years and here I am no real major trials in my life, no issues almost pushing me over the edge (by issues I mean no possibility of a budding romance to inspire gads of songs)
And I look pretty sad... What's my deal, I have another one where I look much more friendly but it doesn't have the awesome 1941 picture of surfer Jesus in the background... I don't even think long haired surfers were around back then... But I am a bit sad cuz the songs won't flow like they once did, like rays of light flowing from my finger tips! And I'm so frustrated! I think I over think everything and I'm so concerned with thee perfect melody building into the perfect chorus with the perfect words that I've hindered the creative process! HELP! How do I get back to being simple again??

I feel like I have tons of good material, you know the Bible and stuff and all I've been set free from I just need my flow back... Any writers out there with any suggestions??? Send help or I might end up looking permanently like this!

BTW: Emmy took this and she thinks it's awesome...

1 comment:

  1. John Lennon's musical advice to his son, Julian . . . "Keep it simple."
