So in anticipation, I'm going to solicit some comments out of you my mystery followers.
And don't try and act like you don't read my blog... you don't get 14,000 hits when you only have 19 followers...
So stay anonymous if you must but leave me a comment letting me know how you know when I've posted something new...
Ie. do you use google reader? Do you just come to my blog of your own volition? Fill me in I'm dying to know!
And if you feel so compelled, sign up to be one of my followers, I love looking at your profiles and seeing who you are!
Also you may have noticed, I've put a new voting system at the end of my posts, vote! Let me know what things you most like reading about...
And if you have way more important things to do with your life, it's cool...
I'd way rather read your comments than my page hit counter, but don't worry, I still feel the love ;)
Oh and just a quick note to my beloved Chinese readers/spamers... if you don't leave your comment in English, I will delete it... but thanks for the comment love, just the same ;)
-still your Old Time friend
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