Friday, November 20, 2009

Give more presence this year!

I love how in life you go through seasons, and you don't have to be stuck with those feathered bangs or shoulder pads for the rest of your life! Thank God for that! Or roller blades, seriously, remember how crazy people were over those things! OK and remember finger watches! What the heck! There's a huge list of less than meaningful crapola that we've all purchased, so I won't beat you up with it (treasure trolls) here... but I will say that I'm super thankful that in this season of my life I'm so over being a consumer. Maybe it took the economy taking a turn for the worse, or maybe it was my Cute Kiwi saying to me (way before the recession hit), " you never really need anything, you just want something new." Oh man, was he so right! Or maybe it was God graciously showing me my pile of "good intended for others" next to my pile of "what you ended up spending on yourself." Not sure if you got the picture, but the later pile was huge in comparison... woops...

I'm sure there's a ton of you out there that are actually way more anti-consumerism than I am and could kick my well meaning little butt, but you gotta start somewhere and I'm gonna try to remove the woops from my spending vocabulary. I think I'm finally where it's not all about what I should do to be a good girl, it's actually what I wanna do, I'm growing up I guess. I'm enjoying so much what God has done for me in my life and the life of my family, that I don't wanna focus on myself as much, the things Jesus has asked me to do in His word I want to do because His love compels me! I guess the simple equation for me is "less time spending = more presence I can give" And no that is not a typo, the older I get the more I realize my possessions can be a burden, and it's not more stuff that we need. We being those in the western world wealthy enough to have a computer and Internet subscriptions to read this by... but what we need to give is time spent, being present in others lives, or it's actually giving to someone who is poor and in need. That's the stuff that's gonna last a lot longer than that laser pointer you just had to have!
So as you watch this video, which I hope you do, I hope it won't spark condemnation, but true gratitude for what He has given, and I hope you'll find joy in giving presence this Christmas season!

If you're looking for any ideas on way's you can give presence this year go to and check out some of their great ideas!
And I hope it's clear I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty for spending money! Cuz let's face it, a coupon for a massage for Aunty Mable just wont cut it. But I do want to encourage everyone to think about stepping outside of consumerism, to be thoughtful about different meaningful ways you can give and bottom line: to enjoy doing it!

bye for now

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