Me and my beloved are hittin' the road very early tomorrow morning! If you're the prayin' sort, please pray for us, we're off to Montana for a really special time with other church planters... but I have MAJOR, MAJOR anxiety about leaving my babies. One small consolation, there's a Cracker Barrel in the State we're off to... (there's a reason the word "crack" is in their name!) Sorry I couldn't resist! I'm a huge fan of both her and 'Crack'er Barrel!
I'll be back on my blog in a week with gads of insight... You're gonna have to hold me back!
As I sit here and ponder all of the pearls of insight into the depths of my soul that I could share right now, I'm coming up short... I'm still right in the thick of processing all the ins and outs of Behavior Modification, so I'm finding it hard to exactly articulate my thoughts... I know that God is in the midst of doing surgery, but one thing that I feel affirmed in over and over again in throughout this process is, that even as I screw up and learn lesson after lesson because of my shortcomings, I'm loved and accepted. I'm beloved and cherished because of Jesus and not because I'm a perfect little saint that never screws up... if that were how God worked, I would be screwed!
For that reason, I LOVE this video!
Let me know your thoughts, or how you've experience this grace in your life! I know the hardest part for me is to just accept it, even when I do screw up, there's some arrogance in me that just wants to earn His love so bad. But when I take a step back, I'm so glad I can't! Because when I'm totally honest with myself, I know I never could, I know I don't measure up to His standards, so I'm just grateful for His acceptance and grace on Jesus' behalf!
Well, well, well... if you're still reading 3 gold stars for you!
Sorry I've been a lagger, but life for the Weeks have been busy! There's been the executing of an estate, lots of worship leading, good friends in from out of town, entertaining, meetings up the wazoo, veggie gardening and of course lots of watching Judah eat sand! But all along I haven't forgotten you, I think of you often and wonder if you think of me ;)
OK enough with the mushy stuff...
Amidst all the business there has been a lot on my mind! The one that has dominated my thoughts is the whole idea of behavior modification that I eluded to in my post's title,this has had HUGE implications for me in my life lately, on so many levels!
I promise an explanation or at least an attempt at one in my next post. But for now I'm posting the video that's has really challenged me in my usual attempts at behavior modification for y'all to watch, and no I'm not from the south... well Southern California, but we don't say y'all, I don't know what came over me.
I'm an old fashioned girl, living in an oh so modern world... I married a Kiwi who's pretty darn cute. We were missionaries in Australia when we met and I coerced him into moving to the Promised Land, and now we have 2 beautiful children, (mostly because of him). I'm most proudly a wife and mom, but also a musician, crafter, cooker, gardener and I love anything vintage... Jesus is my savior and I love to talk about anything and everything pertaining to Him... and now lastly to add to my list is proficient blogger, I'm not yet, but just you wait and see what I can do!